
When's The Best Time to Exercise?

When's The Best Time to Exercise? Q: What's the best time of day to exercise? A: The best time of day to exercise is the time that works best for you. Studies go back and forth on this topic and there are benefits in exercising in the morning and later in the day. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and lifestyle. Choose a time that helps you make exercise a regular and consistent part of your routine. Here’s why: It’s all about finding your rhythm. Ever wonder why some of us are morning people while others are not? This has quite a bit to do with your body’s internal clock, or your circadian rhythms. Circadian rhythms are a daily cycle of sleep and wake cycles. It’s this cycle that regulates physical, mental, and behavioral changes within a 24-hour period. Body temperature, blood pressure, and metabolism are some of the physiological processes that can be affected by your body’s internal clock. These rhythms respond to changes in the environment and can be set and

Everything You Need to Know About Fitness — and Why It’s About Way More Than Hitting the Gym

Everything You Need to Know About Fitness — and Why It’s About Way More Than Hitting the Gym What does it mean to be fit? Finding a discrete definition is somewhat difficult. According to the dictionary, fitness means: “the quality or state of being fit." (The definition of “fit” is: “sound physically and mentally.") ( 2 ) If you find those words somewhat vague, you’re not alone. And that’s sort of the point, according to exercise experts. Fitness doesn’t have to mean that you’re an ultra-marathoner or that you can perform one pull-up or one hundred. Fitness can mean different things for different people. “For me, fitness is first and foremost about feeling good and being able to move without pain,” says the certified strength and conditioning specialist Grayson Wickham, a New YorkCity–based physical therapist and the founder of Movement Vault, a mobility and movement company. He explains that true fitness is about feeling healthy and being in sufficient shape to do the activ

Surprising Ways to Burn Calories This Summer

Surprising Ways to Burn Calories This Summer Why spend your summer exercising indoors at the gym when there are so many fun activities you can enjoy outside? Doug Schnitzspahn, editor in chief of  Elevation Outdoors  magazine in Boulder, Colo., spends his days focused on outdoor activities for his Rocky Mountain readers. When he’s not at the office, he’s taking advantage of the mountains in his backyard — cycling, trail running, mountaineering, and chasing after his two young children. Schnitzspahn’s top picks for calorie-burning activities this summer include: Mountain Biking “As a workout, it takes a lot of energy to climb up mountain trails,” says Schnitzspahn. “But it’s good interval training, and you get a great payoff on the way back down.” Interval training alternates short bursts of intense activity with stretches of lighter activity, and it can really boost your calorie-burning power. Schnitzspahn adds that mountain biking helps develop reaction skills that you can't learn

9 Ways Practicing Yoga Benefits Your Health and Well-Being

9 Ways Practicing Yoga Benefits Your Health and Well-Being For thousands of years yogis have been touting yoga's mental and physical powers. Luckily, you don't have to be an expert to reap the benefits — adding just a few poses to your daily routine can help your health in all kinds of unexpected ways. "On a physical level, yoga helps improve flexibility, strength, balance, and endurance," says Linda Schlamadinger McGrath, the founder of YogaSource Los Gatos in Los Gatos, California, who is certified by Yoga Alliance, the world's largest nonprofit yoga association that certifies teachers and schools. “And on a psychological level, yoga can help you cultivate mindfulness as you shift your awareness to the sensations, thoughts, and emotions that accompany a given pose or exercise." And there’s also a growing body of science showing that a regular yoga practice may benefit people with a host of chronic health conditions, including asthma, heart disease, and MS.

Treadmill Training and Safety Tips

Treadmill Training and Safety Tips Exercise can help you lose weight, make your bones and muscles stronger, relieve depression and stress, and lower your risk for diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and  colon cancer . Using a treadmill is a great way to keep up your exercise regimen when other factors are inhibiting your outdoor routine. The following 10 tips can help keep you safe and maximize your treadmill workout: 1. Make Certain You Know Your Health Status Sometimes a fall on a treadmill is caused by a cardiovascular incident (CVI), like a heart attack or a stroke. CVI affects males over the age of 55 with high  stress levels , among other risk factors. Make sure you have a clean bill of health before starting an exercise program. 2. Recognize the Signs of Trouble During Your Workout If you feel chest pain, shortness of breath, or light-headedness, stop your workout. These are warning signs that there may be an underlying health condition yo

Getting Fit With Martial Arts

Getting Fit With Martial Arts Martial arts can help you defend and protect yourself, but there are a number of  health and fitness  benefits associated with them as well. There are several types of martial arts, including: Karate.  This is the most common and well-known form of martial arts. Karate is a great way to tone and strengthen the upper body. In karate, an individual uses the hands, feet, and elbows for self-defense. Tae kwon do.  Tae kwon do is related to karate, but focuses more on the legs and kicking, and less on the hands and upper body. Tae kwon do is good for strengthening and toning the lower body. Judo.  In judo, you leverage the size and strength of the person you are fighting to defend yourself. Unlike other martial arts, judo focuses more on rolling and controlling opponents by holding them off, rather than by striking them. Kung fu.  This high-intensity martial art provides a strong aerobic and cardiovascular workout. Kung fu involves primarily kicking and punchin

Physical fitness linked to better brain function

Physical fitness linked to better brain function The largest and most detailed study of its type concludes that there are links between physical fitness and improved cognitive performance. The researchers also show that this boost in mental powers is associated with white matter integrity. Share on Pinterest Over recent years, there has been a great deal of research into how bodily fitness might influence the mind. For instance, studies have concluded that physical fitness can reduce the risk of  dementia ,  relieve  depressive symptoms, and more. There is also evidence that physical activity boosts the cognitive performance of healthy individuals, people of different ages, and participants with cognitive  impairments . Similarly, some studies have shown positive links between physical fitness and changes in brain structure. The authors of the latest study in this field, who published their findings in  Scientific Reports , note that previous studies had certain limitations. In some ca